

Everyone from Biltwell is attending the Hippy Killer Hoedown on Thursday, April 16.

On Friday morning, everyone who crashed at the Hippy Killer Hoedown Thursday night is getting up and doing the DicE hangover ride from Kutty's place to the Bash campground (approximately 70 miles, and roughly 2.5 hours)

The gates open for Bash campers 10:00 am Friday, April 17.

There will be PLENTY of time to get up Friday morning and ride to the campground. 

You DO NOT need to cancel your plans to do the hangover ride on Friday morning, and getting to the campground before 10:00 am Friday will accomplish nothing, because the gates won't be open before then.

Nobody panic—everything's cool.

See you Friday, April 17 at Lake Skinner campground.


LEOB said...

if coming out Friday night or Saturday morn is there any chance getting in?

Bill said...

Should be no problem Ibocci