Over 350 campers and just under 50 day trippers descended on Lake Skinner Campground April 17-19 for the first annual Biltwell Bash. The crown comprised bikers from at least a dozen states and three countries, and beyond some spills and thrills on the Friday hangover ride, there were no major crashes or calamities to report.
To everyone who attended the Bash, thanks for being so cool to us, to your fellow campers, and to the Lake Skinner staff and facility. To the sponsors, thanks for your support. Bill, Chris and I value all your friendship and dedication, and we look forward to hosting another Bash soon…
Heres an update. As McGoo and I were discussing earlier.
The Vice President of Ballast Point Brewery (free Beer Friday) rode his flaming Red Duc out on Sat in full leathers. Although he is a sporty kind of guy he used to be a pro MX racer as well a pro baja 1000 racer. Anyhow, he was so impressed with what was going on and so bummed that he was not able to have a beer on Saturday due to all of us filthy little pigs drinking it up on Friday that he called me the first thing today and let me know he would like to be the official sponsor of the Biltwell events and that more kegs will be a plenty the next go around...
All I could say literally was "Fuck Yeh" and I hope some of you take the time to do as well.
Looks like a great event. Hope you have another next year, as I was unable to attend.
That was totally the best time and I'm ready for another. Everybody was supercool and I want to say HI to everyone I met. Until next time ya'lls!
...I have incriminating pictures of Magoo trying to molest Caleb! Great time! Do it again soon!
like a snap shot of the past,thats how we did it back in the 70's in the dirt no vendors, i used to sharpen knife's at run's for 25 cent's for gas money...........scrotum
The Ballast Point Brewery beer was cool and refreshing after the hangover ride. Just what I needed.
I hate to be the guy that asks this but can this become a twice a year event? Spring and fall. The Chop Meet was great but the Bash was king.
Thanks to all who put on and helped out with this shindig!
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