So, we are thinking about doing a mobile version of this site so it is more compatible with phones like the iPhone, G-1, Blackberry, etc. It's basically a stripped down, faster loading clone of this site with just the blog, basic product pages and contact info. It's not cheap or easy, so we're wondering if it's worth it. The site would automatically detect whether you are on a mobile device or not and direct you to the proper site.
Since you guys read the blog and interact with the site we thought it might be wise to ask. Does anyone care if there is a mobile site or not? Let us know in the comments section. Thanks!
all i care about is jet ski's!!!
SPJSC till death!
I read everything you post twice. on my phone when i'm bored and when i get home. Eitherway i'll find a way to check it when i want. i wouldn't spend the extra cash
I dont need it on my phone. Although once classes start in fall I might change my mind...;)
i check it either on my iphone or puter everyday no need to spend the extra cash. and its not a terrible load time on the 1st gen iphone anyway. spend the extra cash on new cool shit.
I agree with Nathan. When my 1st Gen iphone is near wireless it loads fast enough. I usually check the site at work anyway so I would say spend the money some where else, on say, risers for springers!!
I think it would be pretty sweet. I work for a utility company out here in Chicago and I'm always checking out my iPhone. It would be sweet, but google reader works good on iPhone. A Biltwell app would look sweet on my phone though.
I'd spend the extra dough on another photo shoot with her hot a$$. Whewwwww.
Its pretty damn iphone friendly as it is.
Loads plenty fast on my iphone 3g and the size isnt a problem. Spend the cash on something else.
I view the site almost exclusively on my iPhone - no issues whatsoever. Loads fast, still easy to read, etc. It would definitely be cool, but I would spend the $ elsewhere if I were you.
Save your dough. My iPhone is quick and easy enough to read.
bikers shouldn't have iphones so thats answers that one
It is a good idea. I find myself browsing on the phone more and more lately.
Save yer money.
Mobile sites are easy to do. Do it. Those who think they wouldn't use it,..will. Just test it on an older non-touch screen phones. Like the Samsung Blackjack.
(I'm assuming you do your on site, but either way,..it's just a rearrangement of what you already have.)
only have a computer
I load the site up on my iPhone with no issues. Save your money for tequila.
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