
Lowbrow Weirdo #1

Sometimes there is no substituting the feel of a nice printed piece. Sure you can find everything you want on your iPhone or whatever, but there is still something nice about holding the printed page in your grubby mitts. I helped Tyler over at Lowbrow develop this little jewel last month and man, what a lot of work. It's 48 pages of chopper goodness for the home builder. Mostly, it's a catalog showcasing a pretty wide collection of stuff you are probably pretty interested in, but it's also got some event coverage, the lowdown on Bonneville, British oil tank plumbing tips and some cool customer bikes. You can buy the 'zine directly from Lowbrow here, or place an order for over $100 and get one thrown in. We'll have some soon and will do the same and throw them in with orders over $100 from the Biltwell Store.

1 comment :

Matt said...

From someone who works on print media on a daily basis – I love it! Glad to see hard work producing high quality printed pieces. Keep it up.