
Harley Hi Jinx

When marketing mavens at The Motor Company attempt to mine the zeitgeist in modern chopperdom, bad things are bound to happen. Case in point:

The ad wizards at Carmichael Lynch spent weeks making this viral video to attract skateboarders to the bar and shield. Personally, I think they're trying too hard. Honda, on the other hand, seems to have gotten it right: 

Honda's message seems crystal clear—motorcycles are like women. The harder you ride 'em, the better they feel.


Terry Whitehurst said...

HD has been trying to hard with the whole image thing for years now, instead of trying hard with the bike as a whole such as Honda.

Hoodlum Society said...

Hey Mcgoo, now I know the reason why you build a Honda instead of a HD. I'm selling my XL and buy a nice CB500 Four...

I rather push a Honda than ride a Harley!


Anonymous said...

damn, that HD ad is horrible. Just.... bad.