We've been wanting to do some printed shop rags for well over a year, but never could get a good source for them. I was shooting the shit with Andy over at American Icon screenprinting the other day and he said he was into it. Andy you might remember, sent in the great description and photos of his forward controls mounting job on the bike he's building in his basement. We often get requests for our sources for things like screen printing, so here's a good one! Andy and the boys know what they are doing and offer a wide range of silk screening services. They did a smokin' job on these and printed them with bleach so there is no ink texture to the graphic, which would make a good rag useless.
Rob over at AI liked the design so much he made some desktop backgrounds for us. Thanks, Dude! If you want to download them, just select one of these and then right click to save:
Our Thruxton riding pal Andy Jenkins did some of the artwork on these rags last year for us and is also responsible for the face plant.
How do you get one? Well, we can't very well charge for a shop rag, no matter how cool it is. So, we'll just throw 'em in a few random orders here and there and make sure our active shops each get a decent little bundle. We only printed a couple hundred, so they'll be a limited edition sort of thing if you are lucky enough to end up with one.
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