New Jersey president of the B.R.O. is on his way out here for the BASH first thing in the morning. By the time you read this he should be one-minute into his 3,000 mile ride with his buddy Chris (and maybe Spike). Or he might still be looking for his keys, you never know. Being the exhibitionist that he is, he's figured out a trick way to update the innerweb with his location along the route so we can all check up on Walt-Watch-2009. I've illustrated a graphic representing his trip above. You can watch his progress here and read his blog entries along the way here. Seriously. Did I mention Walt is a Biltwell dealer and official sponsor of the BASH, as well as a provider of the Kickstart Tequila Bar at the campground?
That route isn't accurate, there will be way more cheeseburgers along the way.
If the route brings you through Amarillo along I-40, feel free to get in touch if you need a place to crash or do any repairs, get kickass cheeseburgers, etc..
mi casa es su casa
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