Bill, Chris and I started Biltwell about four years ago because we weren't into the flamin' wolves and howlin' devils that dominated the chopper scene at that time.
We launched the El Diablo Run in 2006 because we didn't like what motorcycle rides had turned into—basically "douchebag extravaganzas" with very little riding and even less soul.
In '08 we hosted the SoCal Chop Meet to add a little rust and reality to the weekend rally experience.
And just last spring we threw the Bash at Lake Skinner with a bunch of help from our friends so people could ride bikes, drink booze and raise hell without being surrounded by all the goofiness that seems to define the modern biker event in the mainstream.
The point to my rambling is simply this: we're DIY guys by nature, so when we see an opportunity, we're not afraid to jump into it with both feet. Even if doing so seems crazy.
Our latest wild hair is ChopCult.com
There's nothing to see at ChopCult.com yet, but when we launch the site this summer, ChopCult will be the first news magazine, blog feed, photo dump, public forum, online classifieds, social network and e-store for people and companies who build and ride custom motorcycles. All kinds: American, Japanese, British and European. Think your favorite message board without the content Gestapo, Newsweek without the politics, Myspace without the sex predators, Flickr without the nature shots, Craigslist without the retards and Google without the Viagra banners. Just cool people, old bikes and lots of 'em.
If you'd like to sign up for the ChopCult.com e-newsletter and be included on the site's beta testing, click here.
Also, please feel free to invite others by forwarding this blog post to your friends.
From everyone behind the scenes at ChopCult.com, thanks in advance for your interest and support.
-- McGoo
well hot damn.. signed up for the mailing list and I was already on it! Can't wait for this to be up and running, it is going to rule!
always the innovators. Love it, let me know what I can do to help.
I have always wanted to join a cult.
Kinda dumb that The sign up page wont let me tell you i am In the UK. It insists on me naming a state where I live??
What, you mean there are other countries besides America out there? Gimme a few minutes and I can fix that...
Trawler, it's fixed. Thanks for the feedback, that's how we'll dial this shit in...
not again..... -sigh-
well, we'll know what NOT to do on this one!
is this the line for the koolaid??
At least you didn't spell cult with a K, thats a good start.
i waste too much time on the internet already
Excellent. Thank you.
Sounds great and all but I have a couple quick questions:
1. How is this new online "magazine" different from Dice or Greasy Kulture?
2. How do you plan on weeding out the sex predators, politics, nature shots, viagra and retards?
All that will be left is you.
Well those are paper magazines that our friends run/make and we aren't printing anything. Fundamentally the big difference would be that traditional magazines are a monologue, where this is going to be a dialog. User generated content mixed with stuff we produce and put out there. Not just a blog, not just a message board, it'll be it's own mix that has what we think is important and anything superfluous stripped out. I'm personally sick of the clutter and lack of meaningful content on the innerwebs lately so this combats that.
There isn't anything past that screen. It's just a newsletter sign-up so we can let you guys know when it's ready to start testing. This is a big project that is going to go through a bunch of fine-tuning before we actually promote it to anyone outside of this circle. I'll look into the load time thing, that shouldn't have been a prob. Lots to do before Aug 1st!
Dig the logo.
Anonymous posed another question that deserves an answer:
"how do we plan to weed out the sex predators, politics, nature shots, viagra ads and retards?"
Answer: anonymous posting/commenting won't be possible. If something is worth saying on Chop Cult, it will have to be worth signing. I hope this helps.
-- McGoo
No flamin' wolves or howlin' devils?
Sounds gay to me.
adding to McGoo's thing about the sex predators....Who is going to try to hook up with a bunch of old ugly dudes?
Predators are the least of our worries. I think trying to make the internet a meaningful tool and not just a waste of time and bandwidth is the challenge. It'll be what everyone makes it. We'll do our best to shape the environment and cultivate something worth participating in but ultimately it's up to smart, funny, knowledgeable members who love old motorcycles but don't take themselves too seriously to make it a success. Those people are out there and that's who were building it for.
and, by the way, thanks for acing the 'enter site' page.
less clicks = more fun
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