Not ready to quit my day job, that's for sure. But, things like "Aperture Priority" and "F-stop" are slowly starting to mean something. That big "A" for "Auto" is my favorite feature though. These are probably a little dark, but I'll just call 'em "moody". I can't wait to try some action shots later in the week.
looks good Bill.bump the i.s.o a little and your in the money .
You will soon love full manual!
shoot lowest ISO possible to reduce noise, drop your f-stop and open up that shutter!
Depth of field is 1/3 in front of point of focus,2/3 behind in normal shots, more like 50/50 in macro
shots, so focus a little closer on the macros, 'cause
out of focus efx generall better in background or
behind pt. of focus . example your bar end cap pic here. And maybe the tank badge pic.
grey,very true but in A.P he is probly at 3.5 the lowest f stop avalible for the lens upping the iso to say 400 would not make much of a diff. as far as noise.keeping in mind most everything biltwell post is internet.
great job Bill I want to see the riding shots...
something i learned in art class: make up some bullshit, say it with confidence, most everybody will nod and smile. the shots look good keep it up, i stil learning too.
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