Actually, we're not. Every year we force ourselves to attend at least one "classic biker rally." That is to say, one where there are more 'do rags than Jap bikes, more orthodontists than dudes who can weld, and more sex-lube vendors than camp fires or free kegs of beer. This year that event will be Las Vegas BikeFist. My cynicism is only half-real… when I get to hang out with people I like, I can find fun anywhere, and this year my partners in this social experiment will be Duane and Lisa Ballard and Kutty and Jamie Noteboom. Our booth on Fremont street in old downtown LV is compliments of Chris Callen at Cycle Source magazine, and Kutty and Duane have promised this is where their new bikes will debut. Followers of this blog may remember Duane's radical, raked-out CB750 project, the Pink Taco. Well, Kutty started a similar Harley-powered bike at the same time, and both of these machines are time capsules from the golden age of decadent excess in '70s chopperdom. I'll be parking my dusty CB450 street tracker next to the freak machines from Hippy Killer and DB Custom Leather, so I hope none of my moto mojo rubs off in these homoerotic lawn darts from space.
The date for this year's Vegas BikeFest is October 1-4. Mark your calendars and plan a visit with me, the Notebooms and the Ballards this fall. There will be loads of free Biltwell shit, and I'm sure there will be some wheeling and dealing on Hippy Killer and DB leathergoods, too.
PS: I'll be flying solo at this event… Bill and Chris are commited to Blue Collar Moto's SLO ride the following weekend.
we'll be doin our monthly swap that sun night to close out the weekend hopefully you guys will swing thru!
vegas crew!
Cough up some details James!
Better make a complete set of all the Biltwell Products
in show chrome. Even the seat pans.
were putting together a cycle swap the first sun of every month starting in sept. its gonna be lotsa fun. the details are in the events section on chopcult. but heres the flyer so far for the oct one. hope to see yall there. lemme know too if u guys would like to set a booth or somethin. were not charging spot fee's. kinda honor system. if yall make some cadh hopefully youll donate a couple bucks at the end of the day to help out with the cost of running this gig.
vegas crew
p.s. sorry it wont lemme post the flyer up for some reason. its in the events section on c.c like i said.
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