Bummer that the race got cancelled, but kudos to NORRA for taking the high road. Not exactly classy to go racing a bunch of shiny cars and bikes through towns that have been torn apart by the hurricane, is it? Plus, it gives the organizers and the racers some more time to prepare, and everyone can always use that.

BajaBushPilots are helping with relief and you can help by donating time, labor, materials or dollars. Here's a cut and paste of what they are looking for:
Baja Bush Pilots (www.bajabushpilots.com) have returned from a survey in
Baja California
Sur and are ready to transport needed relief supplies to the stricken
communities and outlying ranches, many who have lost everything in Hurricane
Jimena last week.
If you're in Primm this weekend - great! RJ will arrange for your pick-up.
If you can donate needed supplies (recommended list follows), you may also
take them to a staging area, where private aircraft will pick them up and
deliver south.
There are several small plane airports
U.S. that have been identified by Claudia at BBP. Some airports are
dedicating hangar space for staging, others are seeking close warehouse
space next to an airport.
In SoCal:
Brown Field Staging Area:
Amigo Tecnologia, 2195 Britannia Blvd. Ste 104, San Diego
Phone: 619-703-2481. Hours: 0800-1700
Please call, ask for Daniel to arrange drop offs.
Gillespie Field Staging Area:
Safari Aviation, 1905 N. Marshall Ave., El Cajon, CA 92020
619-805-5650, please call beforehand, ask for Kirk Gray.
Imperial County Airport
Staging Area:
DeAnza Search and Rescue, El Centro, CA 92244
760-482-4314, please call beforehand, ask for Jeff Green or Steve Birdsall.
Other L.A., Palm Springs, AZ and southwest locations are listed in
Please make plans now for this immense effort. Please pack items in trash
bags or small boxes with outside labels. The donations will ultimately be
carried by small private plane, so palletizing items is neither required nor
Visqueen, 100 ft. rolls [Home Depot etc.]
Hudson Sprayers
mosquito poison, concentrate
Insect repellent, personal type
TP, Paper towels
Soap, all types
Toothbrushes, toothpaste
Towels and rags
First Aid items....all
Disinfectant, alcohol, peroxide etc.
Surgical masks and rubber gloves
Feminine Hygiene Products
ALL SIZES of everything that comes to mind
rain gear
Kitchen..all practical items
Pots and pans
cooking utensils
plates etc. paper and other
knives..forks and spoons
cups...paper etc.
can openers
camp stoves
laundry detergent
IODINE TABLETS for safe drinking water
Water containers
Baby formula
baby bottles
baby food
baby powder
All baby products
Air Mattresses
CANNED FOODS all practical types, like SPAM
w/ long shelf life
Pet food
Fasteners....nails, screws etc.
wire....rope...all lengths and sizes
hammers..screwdrivers...pry bars...extension cords, etc.
YES, financial donations can be made towards the BBP airlift. A full update
of BBP airlift info (including the options for $ donations, where to drop
off physical donations, etc) is on our website.
For now, the quick answers re: $ donations:
DONATION BY CHECK: Make check payable to Baja Bush Pilots (with Memo
"Hurricane Jimena") and mail to Baja Bush Pilots, 149 W. Boston, Chandler AZ
85225. If you are making a substantial donation, please u2U or email me
(findsiri@yahoo.com) and let me know the amount--I will keep BBP posted of
the amount coming in the mail so they can go ahead and budget in the
DONATION BY CREDIT CARD: Credit card donations need to be made by phone (no
way on BBP website, Paypal, etc). Because they are so overwhelmed at BBP
office, they've asked me to be the contact person for this piece. In the
posting this afternoon, I will give all the info (including what we need
from you to process the cc charge). If you want to go ahead and donate via
cc, send me a u2u or email and I'll get back to you ASAP.
Donations will be used both to help cover (a small portion of) fuel expenses
and also given directly to Cruz Roja to be used according to their
assements. BBP will do a full accounting of all financial donations and send
an acknowledgement letter to each financial donor that can be used for
tax-deduction purposes.
For monetary donations, pls contact Claudia, BBP, 480-730-2350.
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