After minimal drama and easy set-up—the host venue is a non-union hall, so the hand truck Gestapo aren't required to push your cart for 47 bucks an hour—Lisa, Wes and I plopped our tired asses in our Cycle Source/DB Leather/Biltwell mini booth to watch The Cavalcade of Chaps ® while Duane prepped his Pink Taco for a world debut with boyfriend/fellow homoerotic lawn dart builder Kutty Nootboom at the last great neighborhood bar on the Strip.

At Dino's we met up with Vegas Crew enforcers Rudhog Eric, BMG Brent and Jeffo. To thank everyone for their friendship and hospitality, I gave Dino's barkeeps Sandy and Ryder a Benjamin and asked them to keep the free PBR draft flowing till my cash ran out.

Well, these gracious mixologists made sure the 50 or so locals, Bike Fest attendees and even a couple Artistry in Iron master builders stayed well lubed for every second of the three hours the assembled masses stood in the parking lot with cups in hand. While the PBR flowed, Ryder and I talked about moutain bikes, messenger services, and the famous Las Vegas motorcycle swap meet that happens in Dino's parking lot the first Sunday every month. Of course, my crew will be attending the swap meet this weekend after things wrap up at Bike Fest.

Speaking of Bike Fest, this is the coolest bike I saw in my brief walk-through on Day One. I haven't met Kraus, its builder, but when I do I'll try to do a feature of this awsome machine for ChopCult.
The Notebooms, the Ballards, Wes and I called it a night around 2:00 am after some uneventful computer poker, and everyone got up 4 hours later to do a photo shoot with Wes for Street Chopper magazine. If I can charge the battery on my Street Tracker, Wes and I are supposed to shoot my silly bike for Greasy Kulture. I'm not sure when we're going to find time to shop for 'do rags and Stony Straps, but Las Vegas Bike Fest runs through this Sunday, so I'm sure we'll figure it out. If you're in the area, please visit our humble booth. We're handing out stickers and swilling diet Dr. Pepper. Yes, I will be wired, and yes, spirited rants will ensue. See you in the desert…
Hey Mcgoo, thanks for the brews last night man, solid gesture. No vibes, just some tall tales and purty choppers. Sons of Anarchy forever, forever Sons of Anarchy
That modern trump is solid, and I've been oggling the Kraus bike for a long time - lots of cool design going on there.
i stopped by the booth and you all just stared like i took a fresh dump on the floor in front of you. why guys , why?
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