Welcome to the all new Biltwell site. If you are reading this on MyFaceTwit or something, link on over and check out the new overhaul here. We tried to keep it simple, but add useful things like customer photos of the products in action, and more detailed pics of all the parts. It'll probably take a day or two to shake down all the bugs, but we'll get it dialed.
The biggest news on the refreshed site is that we've now got a store open to the public. There's also a custom log-in for dealers who want to order online themselves. Shops, you can give Mike a jingle at 951-699-1500 or email him at mike@biltwellinc.com to get set up.
We can always use your pics. If you've got photos of your machine with Biltwell kit on it, or even pics of you in a Biltwell helmet, we can use 'em. Send them to me here.
Thanks to our bros at rubbertree for hooking us up in a hurry on this rebuild.
Nice, you guys really look proffesional now. Guess its time to put on the suit and tie!
Congrats on the site and keep up the good work. I got one of your rootbeer helmets, and i cant stop wearing it. My wife is getting a little sick of me walking around the house with it.
Site looks TITS!
Looks great guys! Keep up the good work, and see you all soon!
The site looks awesome!
new site is killer!
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