So BFJosh loaded up his Murder Van on Saturday and we cruised out to Irwindale Speedway to set up the night before so early Sunday morning wouldn't be so rough. We knocked that out pretty quickly and jammed down to Culver City to visit our friends Caleb and J.D. As luck would have it, fellow vanners Matt and Justina in the radical DicE van had just been invited to a triple feature van movie marathon over on Fairfax at the Silent Theater. Of course we vanned on over there after packing our guts with some killer Cuban food. I figured there was no way we could sit through six hours of van movies and Josh was hell bent on getting an early start in the morning. We caught the last half of "The Van" then had a free beer provided by the theater and settled in to watch "Mag Wheels" which I had never heard of but became a fan of quickly. It's basically Van Dudes vs. 4x4 Chicks, with some odd rough trade and skateboarding with knee socks thrown in. A load of popcorn then and we settled in with "The Super Van" which was basically a Barris commercial. Not bad, but the hypnotic sounds the solar-powered van gave off put me in a sleeper hold a couple times. Trucked on back to Duarte for a four hour nap and then back over to the track for a day in the heat. Mooneyes is more of a car event but there were some good bikes and plenty of our usual friends to sit around with. Even managed to sell a few things, though parasols and ice water would have sold better than seat brackets and sparkly helmets with a lot of this crowd. Thanks to everyone who came by, we always appreciate your support! Here's a few vans from around the parking lot. Sure there were bikes, but you'll see those on everyone else's blogs tonight or tomorrow. Oh yeah, there were lots of cars and racin' going on too.
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