Our good friend and Biltwell stockist Sumo from Vintage Chop puts on a fun weekend of riding/camping/drinking each year in the ever-sunny United Kingdom. If you have half a chance, get with it and enjoy some good times. Here's the "official description":
This is a chill out and party kind of deal, no attitudes, no fees, no promises. If you don’t expect much then you'll come away happy
If you think your bike has a fighting chance of making the run then you are welcome. If you like building and fixing stuff its probably your kind of thing, be it on a supercharged trike, an old brit restoration or anything in between. If you are more of the weekend power-ranger, colour coded bike/leathers brigade then its most likely not for you.
A word to the wise - THIS IS NOT A RALLY... it's all about riding - as the name suggests its a RUN - its about the riding then party when we get to destination. There are no bands put on, evening campfires, burger vans or entertainment of any sort. Ride your bike make your own fun.
You need to look after yourself, your gear, and your own bike - there wont be anyone behind you to pick you up if you break down. There will be other riders with tools to help but if you break down you'd better have some sort of recovery because we arent putting on a chase truck / trailer or anything similar.
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