I rode to my friend Caleb's place the other day. He and JD are always up to something interesting. Of particular note on this visit was the new addition of what Caleb calls Redneck Ringtoss. It's pretty basic - a 2" brass ring, tied to some thin line and a hook stuck in the wall. You stand back and let it fly with a gentle arc. It's a pisser until you get the hang of it, and I seem to need to relearn every day. You have to adjust the string just right when you first set it up, but it's really easy. The higher the ceiling, the longer the distance to the hook. Definitely not something that increases productivity around here. It's a fun drinking game, you can do it one-handed and unlike horseshoes or darts, you don't even have to walk over to the target, the ring just comes back when you miss. Thanks for the lessons dudes!

fucking sweet!!! 2012, ring toss throw down! $100 buy in?
That's a good old east coast bar game as well.
we use to play that at the tattoo shop all the time!! we turned it into a gambling game!
its in a few of the older bars over here too - frustrating and scrumpy really doesnt help your success rate
I sense a challenge, Cro! Biltwell VS CRO/FMF?
This game is HORRIBLE to play and HILARIOUS to watch! Simple... yes. Easy? NO!
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