A couple years ago, our pal Sumo (who happens to sling Biltwell parts under the name Vintage Chop in the UK), posted up some great scans of 6 issues of Roth's original Choppers Magazine. Problem was, they were hell on the servers when everyone started downloading the large PDF files. I've finally gotten off my ass and resaved them all as jpegs and posted them on my flickr account so you can browse them, poach them, whatever. They are a gold mine of info and illustration, along with the best period bikes and tips on everything from riding in a pack to picking a seat style. Check 'em out here.
good thinking batman. much more sensible way of doing it.
** SPFFSP **
Ive been trying to find the origional Big Daddy ones. There like hens teeth. Thanks!
Can you set up your Flikr account to show them in the Large (1024x784) file size. You are being very generous sharing them, and I'ld like to Poach/Save them for me and buddies to view at our convenience. Viewing them now in your Flikr account they are resized to Medium and you have to click thru a bunch of crap to get to the Large file, then backtrack and open the next photo to save it as a Large also. I'm sure alot of work went into scanning them and it would make sharing them that much easier. THANKS AGAIN.
Reaver, I can't figure out a way to get around that, but there are various third party apps that let you download entire sets (I think in the original highest res setting) but you'd have to figure that out. If you give me a FTP or iDisc account where I can dump the original PDF files Sumo made, I'd give you those. Hit me up on email if you have somewhere I can load them up for you. billb67@verizon.net
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