We toyed with the idea of going to Sturgis this year, but the thought of being gone from home so long and standing around hocking parts half the time just wasn't appealing enough. California is a constant hustle and there is plenty to hate about it, but two things about the Golden State simply rule: weather and roads. With that in mind we've cooked up a little six-day bromantic excursion from So Cal up 395 and across to San Francisco and back down the coast. One night in a hotel, the rest camping. To me, this is what motorcycles are best for and the part of the whole deal I personally enjoy most. It looks like it'll be about 1,400 miles, so not a real ball-breaker over so many days. Hopefully this means we can stop along the way and swim in creeks, soak up some local flavor and not just lock the throttle and hit the freeway all day. I have a fetish for riding over big bridges and in super-dense cities that I don't know too well. Not to mention really twisty, fast two-lanes with lots of elevation changes, so this trip has it all and I can't wait. Kenzie and Carrie will still be running the day to day, but "Will these bars fit my bike" tech questions will have to wait from the 21st to the 26th of July. Maybe we'll go to Sturgis next year, I know it can be done right, so save the preaching, this year we're gonna explore our own state. Oh yeah, we're gonna stop by Mike's place for the Old-Stf open house, so really it is a business trip!
Wow, looks like a blast. Have fun!
Nor-Cal is awesome. I REALLY don't understand what there is to 'hate' about our State, but maybe that's 'cuz I love it....the bike culture here is as strong as anywhere. I live in the East Bay and can see the GG Bridge from my house. Best riding is here. Twist the wick, face into the wind!
Ok, maybe "hate" was a little strong, but there are things about CA that bum me out. Density, entitled people, traffic, smog, nanny-state politics, cost of living, etc. But there is obviously lots of goodness too, and the point I was trying to make was that despite any shortcomings, there are more than enough good things to make it worth it, namely the riding. I do agree Norcal has a different vibe, and I dig it. The other point I was trying to make is rather than ride real far, why not just focus on what we've got and enjoy that, especially the Norcal part which has SO much good riding.
Damn, hope yer doing more of this stuff after October.
I understand the density issue... cost of living has been the only thing that has kept me from moving to California.
However Entitled people are everywhere...
I took a similar road trip earlier this year. I recomend heading up to Santa Rosa (maybe 45 minutes past the golden gate) and stopping at Russian River brewing for a few tatsy beverages.
YES! Russian River brews indeed! Bill, you make good points. Congestion SUX ASS! But that's why we ride, No? In California lane splitting is legal, oh yes. Makin 2 wheeled life even better. My pops moved to Wisconsin and repeatedly remarks on missing the legality of splittin'. The lousy financial situation has also come back to earth up here to.. Houses that were once at $500,000 are down to $150,000. Better times await! Ride on, ride hard
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